
January 25, 2011

I promised you a Monday Visit, but it's just not going to happen this week. Apologies, but I'll make up for it with a whopper visit next Monday. I promise.

Instead, I was sifting through my bookmarks and thought I'd share some of the projects, recipes and other clever things I've saved over the last few weeks.

I desperately want to make these. So smart and thrifty!

This print cracked me up.

I hinted to my mom that I'd be her guinea pig if she took a whack at this.

A little Valentine's loveliness on this pretty site.

I love no-knead anything, especially tiles.

I love this journal idea - talk about getting points for favorite aunt! (That's a hint, Carolyn, Leah, Angie, might as well get some ideas early!)

And I ate at this cafe over the weekend - it's yum and the waiter was so nice. Their ham sandwiches are made with home baked ham, you can even taste the cloves. And they do a great hot chocolate. What more could you ask for?