
January 5, 2011

Good morning, everyone!

Last night, I got a call from a family friend who was looking to order four dozen cupcakes for a luncheon Thursday. She's not a big dessert lady, so she's leaving the flavors and icing choices up to me. So fun!

Did you know you can do that? Yep, I take orders. Sadly, the edible treats can really only be ordered by those living in the Dublin area. But if you're thinking of hosting a party, brunch or tea and don't want to take on all the baking yourself, you can place an order with the China Village Bakery (the name's a work in progress!). Anything else, like this cute baby mobile or these wreaths, you can order to be shipped anywhere!

Before Christmas, I got an order for two pumpkin cakes and a batch of cookies for a principal, a secretary and a teacher. Then I made an order for two Christmas stockings for two lovely little boys. They ended up being red and white stripes and mini polka dots with embroidered initials. Too cute!

My hope is that within the next few months, you'll be able to easily order edibles and inedibles from a page on this site. But in the meantime, you can email me at fromchinavillage@gmail.com for more information!

For tomorrow's order, I'm going to make vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting:

and carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting:

And I'm still pondering a chocolate cupcake recipe to throw in there as well. I figure three flavors are way more fun than just one!

{Images from here and here.}


Nancy said...

THese treats look delicious!!