Give-away Winner!

November 14, 2010

You know what the most fun part of this give-away was? Getting to hear about all the fun things you have been baking! I got one great new recipe already (thanks, Jess G!), and I'm hoping a few more of you will share your recipes because they sound amazing (doesn't victoria sponge cake just sounds so elegant?)! You could just email me or leave a link in the comments. I love new recipes!

But, back to the important stuff this morning. The winner, generated by, was Chelsey, who recently made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!

To claim your prize, please email me at with your address. I'll send it off straight away so you can get cookie cutting!

Now here are a few recipes I bookmarked over the last week or so. I'm saving up all my baking energy for the Winter Fair this Saturday. All the baking will be done Friday and it's going to be a marathon! But these are a few recipes I can't wait to try once everything settles down a little.

Honey Whole Wheat Pound Cake

Overnight French Toast Casserole

Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies - these don't look like your typical cakey pumpkin cookies. Yum!

And here's a very Irish recipe I'm dying to try - Caramel Slice

Did anyone try out one of the cranberry recipes from last week? Dying to hear all your baking news since I've been on a hiatus!

One last thing - that I was talking about up there? It looks like this:

It's genius, but guess what else? It was built and is being operated by Mads Haahr of the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College, Dublin! What fun!


Chelsey Proctor said...

Yay! =]

Unknown said...

Well done Emily's friend!!! Mmmmm.. pumpkin chocolate chip cookies sound amazing!!

Gerry Boyle said...

I was robbed!