More Online Love and an Adventure

November 5, 2010

Hello everyone!

I've got a tiny bit of fun news! Yesterday, when I posted about the lovely Gifted online magazine on this blog, I sent a note to the editor that I had posted about it. And she included my blog on her press page! So exciting!

And yesterday I went on an adventure. To be fair, any time I have to go farther than the grocery store, it's a bit of an adventure. But really, this was an adventure to a place I'd never been before. I would have taken photos, but it was Day 4 of pouring rain, so you're out of luck.

I went to visit the lovely Mandi Cromer, of designbirdie fame. Mandi is a beautiful illustrator and creates the most clever cards, prints and other lovely bits for her Etsy shop and craft fairs in the Dublin area.

I drove out to her home in Kilcock yesterday (see, doesn't that name just scream adventure?), west of Dublin, past the cows into the country, and I made it without a single wrong turn! She was gracious enough to let me pick her brain about her experience with Etsy and making a business doing what you love. She has great insight and ideas about the Irish market, and I left feeling so inspired!

I just love the Christmas card above - it's called Festive Pile-Up! And this is the Mandi's description of the card -- "The elephant is determined, the cat is lazy, the bird is stuck and the crab is busy! Christmas is here!" Love it!

Doesn't the print below just crack you up and give you the shivers all at the same time?

Thanks, Mandi, for sharing your wisdom and for your lovely creations!