A Pear-shaped Day

November 10, 2010

Yesterday I had a day. It wasn't a good day, but now I've decided it wasn't altogether a bad day. So it was just a day. I'm not sure if that's an adequate description, but it's hard to describe a feeling. Hmm, how 'bout this: it was a day that didn't make me smile too much, but didn't make me cry. It just made me think. A lot.

I found out a piece of news yesterday (my contract didn't get renewed, so as of Jan. 1 I'll be unemployed again in a country with 13.8% unemployment - eek!), and it's had my mind turning a million miles an hour ever since.

It is a blessing, because I feel I belong somewhere else, doing something I love. But what that is remains to be seen at the moment. So, I was looking around the interwebs for a little inspiration, or confirmation, and I found these two lovely poems that gave me just the pep talk I needed.

*If it's too teeny, click on it to enlarge.

Those two little bits perked me this morning and I'm feeling ready to take the world by storm, or sheer craftiness, as the case may be.

There's a funny saying here, something about things going pear-shaped, and it means when everything falls apart. So, when things start going pear-shaped, I like to do something I'm nearly certain is going to work out successfully. And I find baking is nearly always successful (let's be honest, it's not like I'm baking really complicated things!).

So I went looking in my bookmarked recipes for something fall-ish but not pumpkin. I've got to pace myself on the pumpkin or I'm not going to make it to Thanksgiving!

So we're moving on to cranberry! I found this cranberry bar recipe that looks so yummy. But it calls for fresh cranberries, so I'll need to do some searching around. If I can't find any, I'm making these instead!

I hope you all have an inspired day, filled with lovely things that make you come alive.

Images 1 and 3 are here and here. Image 2 I'm not sure - if you know where it came from let me know so I can give credit!


Mary Catherine said...

Good Morning, Emily!I enjoy your blog so much that it is now the first thing I look for each morning, to enjoy with my cup of tea. I am so sorry about your contract. You have so much to offer, I cannot understand why the Irish don't realize the opportunity they are missing. Many years ago, when I was in a difficult place and Amy was still my very little sister, she made a card for me with a girl in the rain on the cover and a big sun inside. The message was "After the rain, the sun comes out." I'm sure you can charm the sun out with your creativity and perseverance. In the meantime, bake! Sending you much love and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you M.C.!

Emily Boyle Westbrooks said...

Thanks Mary Cath :) That brightened my day! For the record, I think they wanted to keep me but couldn't afford me. I'm so glad you like waking up to my blog...I like waking up to write it! Love, Emily